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Added 6 May, 2015

How sweet is your world? Valiber will tell you

One of the biggest trends we're seeing recently is related to products that analyse the many things we come in contact with every day, giving us information that makes our world more transparent and more personalized. Examples include everything from wearable monitoring devices like the Apple Watch to electronic tattoos let doctors monitor patients remotely. Now, an Israeli company called Valiber has created a smart swizzle stick that, when swirled in a drink, can tell you exactly how sweet it is. By measuring factors such as viscosity and temperature – and not just sugar content – the device gives a numerical sweetness rating that can be compared to any other drink. Ask your bartender for a margarita with a number 4 rating for example, and you can be sure to get a drink that's not too sweet. While not everything can be personalized – weather fronts and traffic jams still don’t care about your opinion – the Valiber is right on-trend when it comes to demystifying the world in which we live.

First spotted by nimoligist
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