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Added 3 January, 2014

Wearable computing trend continues with hands-free headset hats

Speaking of wearable computers, how about a Bluetooth headset build into your hat so you can talk on the phone in winter without unsightly dangling wires and without having to take your hands out of your pockets? The Hands-Free Bluetooth Beanie can also double as a headphone hider for your music, syncing up with your mp3 player. Like other wearables, the hat suffers from the fact that it needs to be recharged, this one via a USB cable. From a trends perspective, we're not sure that this is the "smart hat" that is going to be on everyone's heads this winter, but it is yet another example of how manufacturers of all types are looking for new and novel ways to embrace the wearable computing trend. One way or another you will soon be wearing your computers.
First spotted by Jr.Gal
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