The Official Trend Watching Site
powered by Daniel Levine and The Avant-Guide Institute
The Maestro's picture
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Added 26 July, 2024

Pedro Markun is getting a lot of attention in Brazilian politics with his campaign for São Paulo City Council that claims that a vote for him is a vote for him and his AI partner. This hybrid model integrates artificial intelligence named Lex that will purportedly be better than a human at optimizing city operations, improving public transport...

melonSmasher's picture
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Added 15 July, 2024

Worldwide, the amount of farm seaweed tripled between 2000 and 2024. Most seaweed in the world is grown in Asia. Now, farmers and entrepreneurs are looking to grow more seaweed in the US. It's the fastest growing segment of aquaculture. Seaweed is increasingly making its way into our grocery stores and onto our plates. It's in dietary...

Pawblo Pugcasso's picture
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Added 6 July, 2024

Over two thousand dogs have been cloned since 2005. Companies like ViaGen Pets & Equine report increasing demand for their services, with the firm cloning "more and more pets every year" since it started its pet cloning operations in 2015. The trend is also fueled by high-profile cases, such as celebrities like Barbra Streisand and Simon...

b0unty hunter's picture
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Added 9 May, 2023

Chipotle Mexican Grill announced a new all electric design for its 7000 US-based restaurants that ditches gas and works to maximize energy efficiency in its equipment and systems utilizing 100% renewable energy from wind power and solar. The company recently opened restaurants with the new features in Gloucester, Virginia and Jacksonville,...

Birdulon's picture
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Added 25 April, 2023

Swedish startup Modvion is set to supply power giant RWE Renewables with wooden wind turbine towers for onshore wind farms. RWE wants to use Modvion’s wooden turbine towers because it asserts in a statement that laminated wood is stronger than steel proportionate to its weight, which means lighter towers and less need for expensive...

OrcaBeluga's picture
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Added 4 November, 2022

Haarlem in the Netherlands is the first city in the world to ban meat advertisements. The impact on the climate is the stated reason for the ban, which extends to all public spaces. Similarly, the Dutch cities of Amsterdam, Leiden and The Hague have already decided to ban commercials for airplane travel, petrol cars and the fossil fuel industry...

Chiaroscuro's picture
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Added 13 July, 2022

Cars should not have primacy over pedestrians. That's the "radical" thinking behind the re-thinking of traffic lights. Transport for London (TfL), the public body behind transport services in the British capital, has cottoned onto this, recently piloting new rules at 18 crossings around the city. Instead of waiting for the “green man” as a...

Shadowstep's picture
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Added 13 July, 2022

The documentary “We Met in Virtual Reality” is the first project of this type to have been filmed entirely in virtual reality. “We Met in VR” debuted at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival to critical acclaim. The film documents some relationships that began during the COVID-19 lockdown, as people turned to VRChat, a new virtual reality platform,...

bo_daggits's picture
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Added 27 March, 2022

The pandemic fueled a shift in healthcare delivery, with more patients unable or unwilling to seek care in hospital settings. Even as the pandemic ebbs, its effect on how consumers access healthcare will persist, with fewer emergency-room visits. Changes in reimbursement models, new drugs, devices and growing investment in outpatient services,...

M.C Mooch's picture
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Added 6 March, 2022

The world of sustainable goods just got bigger with the launch of Amazon Aware, a collection of clothing, beauty, bed & bath, and household products designed by an in-house team. They’re dedicated to using recycled or sustainable materials without sacrificing quality or over inflating their price. Each item created under this label is made...