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Added 30 July, 2017

App aims to make foraging for fresh ingredients mainstream

Superstar chef René Redzepi has created the platform to integrate foraging into people’s way of food sourcing and not purely for fun. While many people are likely to have picked blackberries from a bush to make a pie, Redzepi hopes the app will act as a guide to finding other commonly used ingredients for meals and snacks, getting more people outside along the way. Vild Mad, Danish for ‘wild food’, is a free resource to be used by anyone from the experimental cook to being integrated into a school’s curriculum, a guide for which is included in its offerings. The comprehensive website that accompanies the app provides images of plants in season for each month, so users know what they are looking for and can avoid anything that shouldn’t be eaten. There is also a section that determines which type of plants are likely to be found in differing areas, such as waterways, open land, towns and forests, and accompanying recipes to be created with finds.

Darth Chu
First spotted by Darth Chu
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