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Added 7 October, 2013

Forget 3D-printed pasta. Now it's 3D-printed chocolate desserts!

They hype about 3D printing is everywhere. But few people still understand how this new technology will directly affect them. Many of the first 3D printed items to come down the pike are wholly whimsical, like little toys and plastic knick-knacks. But what better way to showcase this tech, but on a plate? We have already written about the 3D-printd pasta they are serving in the commissary at Google headquarters. And we have covered a company in Los Angeles that is creating complex edible designs from sugar. Now a company in Austin, Texas is looking to raise capital via Kickstarter to create 3D-printed chocolate. Their goal is to produce personalized chocolate bars for customers around the United States, and around the world. An online tool helps you customize your order with up to three images and messages. While this particular offering looks relatively primitive to us, it certainly heralds a new kind of edible customization that we're sure we'll see a lot more of.
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