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Added 23 November, 2017

Staffless restaurants are increasingly the future of dining

Wow Bao is set to open a new location that will be missing something big: waitstaff. The quick-service Asian chain will open Chicago’s first restaurant with fully automated service. Customers will order and pay at a kiosk and pick up their food from one of a dozen LED-lit cubbies, which will display their name on an LCD screen when their food is ready. Wow Bao is also introducing a new app in tandem with the Near North restaurant so visitors can order on their phones. There will still be cooks preparing the chain’s steamed buns, noodles and rice behind the scenes, but they will be invisible to customers. The only staff customers will see will be a “concierge” or two tasked with guiding them through the order process and assisting with problems. Wow Bao is betting heavily on automation. The chain plans to double its locations next year, implementing the new technology at all new sites. The Near North restaurant will be Wow Bao’s sixth location in Chicago and 14th overall, including a delivery-only location in Los Angeles and stadium, airport and college campus outposts.

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