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Added 24 June, 2018

Millennials eating habits are disrupting the food industry

Millennials are dramatically disrupting the way food is produced, packaged, marketed and served. As a highly vocal group, Millennials have given food producers little option but to listen to their demands, resulting in changes to not only food choices, but farming techniques and restaurant services as well. These changes have reverberated throughout the food industry, creating a food landscape vastly different from the one experienced by Millennials’ parents. While older generations may have contented themselves with vague “low-fat” or “healthy” labels, Millennials have higher expectations, especially when it comes to GMOs. While it’s estimated that 70 percent of processed foods contain GMOs, more than 60 percent of Millennials want non-GMO food options, and 68 percent pay more for organic products. It’s likely that demand for these products will only increase, and the food industry is becoming more transparent in order to meet this demand. Millennials also want to know exactly which ingredients are included and where those ingredients come from. This desire for increased transparency has led to a preference for local food brands over national ones, both at the level of production and consumption. Whether buying food at the grocery store or eating out, Millennials seek out locally sourced food.

Pizza Guy
First spotted by Pizza Guy
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