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Added 24 June, 2014

Rise of the Robots: Automated car parking comes to Düsseldorf airport

We are entering the Robotic Decade, the years when personal mobile robots will finally make an impact on our daily lives. More and more we will see robots taking jobs that we ourselves once did. At Germany's Düsseldorf airport, parking robots are now inviting departing passengers to leave their cars near the airport terminal so they can quickly catch their planes without the pesky inconvenience of having to find a parking spot. Travelers book the robot via a smartphone app. Then, all they need to do is leave their car in a designated lot and confirm that's it is ready to be robo-parked. The parking robot rolls over, picks the car up by forklift, and transports it to a long-term garage. The advantage for passengers is that they can get out close to the terminal, after which their cars can be parked in cheaper faraway spaces. Regular readers of WikiTrend know that culture is accelerating at an increasing pace. Look forward to mobile robots becoming an integral part of our lives in the short years to come.
First spotted by TallButShort
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