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Added 30 August, 2018

Sharing economy now includes furniture rentals

Many people would love to own high-quality, built-to-last furniture. But modern life, where people often rent accommodation for their whole lives, and move often, makes it difficult to own long-term ‘investment’ pieces. This type of furniture is also very expensive. Instead, people often buy cheap ‘disposable’ furniture, which often ends up in storage or the landfill. It was always possible to rent furniture, but these were usually utilitarian pieces. Now a new platform allows members to rent furniture and works of art using the sharing economy. Harth was founded by design writer Henrietta Thompson and her husband, entrepreneur Edward Padmore, as a way to allow everyone to create stylish interiors of their own.Harth has partnered with a number of brands, such as Aarnio Originals, Lee Broom, and Talisman, as well as bespoke pieces from prestigious private members clubs and pieces that have appeared in major Hollywood films.

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